+7 (495) 720-06-54
Пн-пт: с 9:00 до 21:00, сб-вс: 10:00-18:00
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Аэроклубы санкт петербурга и ленинградской области: Аэроклубы в Санкт-Петербурге — адреса и телефоны компаний

Аэроклубы в Санкт-Петербурге — адреса и телефоны компаний

В данном разделе справочника организаций есть сведения о 37 компаниях, работающих в сфере «Аэроклубы» и расположенных в Санкт-Петербурге. На данной странице отображаются компании с 1 по 10.

  • улица Решетникова, 14
  • +7 812 325-05-50
  • пн-пт 9:00-19:00
  • http://aeroclub.ru
  • Алтайская улица, 4
  • +7 812 984-00-51
  • пн-пт 10:00-19:00
  • http://skyjumper.ru
  • Невский проспект, 102
  • +7 812 981-77-62
  • пн-пт 11:00-19:00, сб,вс 13:00-18:00
  • http://poletivspb.ru
  • 7-я Красноармейская улица, 26
  • +7 962 696-71-61
  • сб,вс 9:00-18:00
  • Аптекарский проспект, 2
  • +7 812 401-41-32
  • ежедневно, 9:00-20:00
  • http://heliskyclub.ru
  • Митрофаньевское шоссе, 2к1
  • +7 812 329-89-89
  • пн-пт 10:00-20:00, сб,вс 10:00-18:00
  • http://vzletim.ru
  • Приморский проспект, 72
  • +7 812 385-77-75
  • ср-вс 10:00-22:00
  • http://aerodream.spb.ru
  • улица Пилотов, 56
  • +7 812 401-41-32
  • ежедневно, 8:00-21:00
  • http://heliskyclub.ru
  • Рябовское шоссе, 139
  • +7 904 642-51-75
  • ежедневно, 9:00-22:00
  • http://valk.ru
  • Александровская улица
  • 8 (800) 100-53-25
  • http://paraplansky.ru
Информация о компаниях, упомянутых выше, доступна так же по ссылкам на телефонные номера +7 812 325-05-50, +7 812 984-00-51, +7 812 981-77-62, +7 962 696-71-61, +7 812 401-41-32, +7 812 329-89-89, +7 812 385-77-75, +7 812 401-41-32, +7 904 642-51-75, 8 (800) 100-53-25.
Аэроклубы Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области


Санкт-Петербург, Ленинградская обл.



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Список аэроклубов Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области.


Аэроклуб Балтийский (он же Ленинградский аэроклуб)

Обучение полетам на самолетах Як-52, Як-18т, L-29, обучение прыжкам с парашютом по нескольким программам, продажа парашютной техники.

Адрес: Санкт-Петербург, аэродром «Ржевка»

Телефон: 7 (812) 527-52-08 (только в рабочее время клуба)

Время работы: Выходные и праздничные дни — с 10:00 до 21:00

Прайс-лист здесь: http://www.freefly.ru/default.asp?pid=340

Сайт: http://www.freefly.ru/


Сосновоборский Аэроклуб

Обучение полетам на Як-52, полеты на планерах, шашлыки, баня, прыжки с парашютом.

Адрес: город Сосновый Бор, проспект Героев, 61-А

Телефон: +7-911-276-31-95 Вячеслав , +7-921-337-54-97 Эля

Время работы: выходные и праздничные дни

Прайс-лист здесь: http://vk.com/topic-301295_24501298

Сайт: http://www.kummolovo.ru/


Аэроклуб Звезда

Обучение полетам на Як-52, Як-18т, Ан-2, L-29, подготовка пилотов частной авиации, летная подготовка пилотов спортсменов: простой, сложный, помощь в приобретении воздушных средств, пробные полеты, консультации по выбору самолета, организация обзорных полетов для гостей клуба, полеты в труднодоступные районы. Предоставление специально оборудованного самолета для самостоятельных парашютных команд и звеньев, с целью тренировок, прыжков, проведения соревнований по парашютному спорту, организация корпоративных и семейных праздников, торжеств, юбилеев, свадеб. Полеты и фуршет. Фото и видео съемка. Сопровождение рекламных акций

Адрес: Санкт-Петербург, Б. Сампсониевский пр., 32, офис 2А-308 (офис), летать – аэродром «Касимово»

Телефон: +7(812) 324-0797, +7(812) 973-7503

Время работы: выходные и праздничные дни

Прайс-лист здесь: нигде не найти

Сайт: http://www.zvezda.su/ (временно нерабочий)


Кронштадтский Аэроклуб Дельфин

Обучение полетам на самолетах Дельфин-2, Дельфин-3. Дельфин-4

Адрес: город Кронштадт, аэродром

Телефон:  8 (812) 952-72-63

Время работы: выходные и праздничные дни

Прайс-лист здесь: http://delfinavia.ru/certificate/

Сайт: http://delfinavia.ru/


Гатчинский Аэроклуб

Обучение полетам на самолетах Як-52, Вильга-35, обучение прыжкам с парашютом, полеты на планерах

 Адрес: Ленинградская обл., Гатчина, пос.Никольское, аэродром «Сиворицы»

Телефон: +7 (812) 9494455

Сайт:  http://paracentr.ru/

 И если вы думаете где прыжки с парашютом в Ленинградской обл. возможны — смело обращайтесь в один из вышеперечисленных клубов. Во всех них можно прыгнуть с парашютом.


Аэроклубы в Ленинградской области — адреса и телефоны компаний

В данном разделе справочника организаций есть сведения о 11 компаниях, работающих в сфере «Аэроклубы» и расположенных в Ленинградской области. На данной странице отображаются компании с 1 по 10.

  • село Никольское,
  • +7 812 329-89-89
  • сб,вс 10:00-22:00
  • http://vzletim.ru
  • деревня Старые Черницы,
  • +7 911 982-50-98
  • ежедневно, 8:00-22:00
  • http://skydivespb.ru
  • поселок Кузьмоловский, Токсовское шоссе
  • +7 812 633-07-07
  • ежедневно, 9:00-2:00
  • http://flystation.net
  • поселок Колтоши,
  • +7 812 951-75-27
  • ежедневно, 9:00-21:00
  • http://wingover.ru
  • поселок Углово, Планерная улица
  • +7 812 983-47-50
  • http://glide.ru
  • деревня Ексолово,
  • +7 921 951-75-27
  • ежедневно, круглосуточно
  • деревня Гостилицы,
  • +7 812 329-89-89
  • пн-пт 10:00-20:00, сб,вс 10:00-18:00
  • http://vzletim.ru
  • Ретселя,
  • +7 921 979-36-22
  • ежедневно, 10:00-21:00
  • деревня Гостилицы,
  • +7 812 945-29-45
  • ежедневно, 9:00-18:00
  • http://wing-argo.ru
  • деревня Гостилицы,
  • +7 903 097-42-34
  • ср-вс 11:00-22:00
  • http://aero-piter.ru
Информация о компаниях, упомянутых выше, доступна так же по ссылкам на телефонные номера +7 812 329-89-89, +7 911 982-50-98, +7 812 633-07-07, +7 812 951-75-27, +7 812 983-47-50, +7 921 951-75-27, +7 812 329-89-89, +7 921 979-36-22, +7 812 945-29-45, +7 903 097-42-34.

Аэроклубы в Санкт-Петербурге — июль 2020

Список компаний

Санкт-Петербург, ул. Трефолева, 2, литера Р, БЦ Вымпел, эт. 3, оф. 309

+7 (812) 908-63-75

ежедневно, 10:00–21:00

Санкт-Петербург, Токсовское ш., 7-й км

+7 (812) 748-27-74

ежедневно, 9:00–2:00

город Санкт-Петербург, Аэродромный кольцевой проезд, Аэродром

+7 (921) 312-76-76, +7 (921) 794-10-07

ежедневно, 10:00–22:00

Санкт-Петербург, остров Котлин, пляж

+7 (969) 720-20-00, +7 (953) 149-13-62

ежедневно, 10:00–21:00

Санкт-Петербург, ул. Никольская, 13в

+7 (812) 309-54-05, +7 (911) 091-55-99, +7 (999) 204-55-19

ежедневно, 11:00–20:00

Ленинградская обл., Ломоносовский р-н, Ретселя, 14, Туутари парк

+7 (921) 979-36-22

ежедневно, 10:00–21:00

Ленинградская обл., Всеволожский муниципальный р-н, Разметелево дер., Взлетная площадка

+7 (812) 943-10-98, +7 (812) 961-43-88

ежедневно, круглосуточно

Россия, Санкт-Петербург, улица Восстания, 4

+7 (921) 868-57-78

пн-пт 8:00–20:00

Санкт-Петербург, Новоизмайловский проспект, 30, корп. 3

+7 (921) 890-37-67

пн-пт 15:00–22:00; сб,вс 10:00–22:00

Санкт-Петербург, Товарищеский просп., 1, корп.1

+7 (950) 002-36-72

ежедневно, 9:00–20:00

90000 The Siege of Leningrad 90001 90002 «Our soup is thin alright, and bread 90003 Is worth its weight in gold, I grant it. 90003 But we’ve got strength and guts instead, 90003 We’ll let ourselves feel tired after» 90006 90003 — Nikolai Tikhonov 1942 90008 77 years ago, on September 8th, 1941, the siege of Leningrad began. This was and still is one of the most horrible and yet heroic episodes in human history in which more than one million people died. In this feature, we look back on those events and show you some rare historic photographs of that time.90009 90008 90011 The first terrible winter 90012 90009 90008 The siege of Leningrad began on September 4th один тисяча дев’ятсот сорок одна when the German army began to shell the city now known as St. Petersburg. Four days later the last land connection to the outside world was severed when German troops took Lake Ladoga (to the east of the city). 90009 90008 On September 12th, provisions were calculated as being grain and flour for 35 days, meat for 33 days, fats for 45 days, and sugar for 60 days. Rations were introduced.By November 20th the rations were just 250 grams of bread for blue-collar workers and 125 grams for children under 12, white-collar workers and the unemployed. 90009 90008 Citizens supplemented their diet by boiling up wallpaper and leather into soups and by making bread from sawdust and cardboard. By December death from hunger was rampant and people simply fainted and died in the streets and were dragged away by those strong enough to help or simply left where they lay. 90009 90008 Then came the first winter, which was one of the most ferocious in memory.Fuel supplies began to run out and those who were not defeated by hunger succumbed to the cold. In January 1942 it is estimated that 4,000 people a day died in the city and by spring the death toll was already in the hundreds of thousands. 90009 90008 90011 Building hope with the road of life 90012 90009 90008 In a miraculous feat of heroism, the defenders of the city managed to open up a ‘road of life’ across the frozen Lake Ladoga in early один тисяча дев’ятсот сорок дві and fuel, food, medicine and ammunition arrived to aid the stricken city.90009 90008 In May all those who were able, came out to clean the streets and attempt to bring back some humanity to the desolate city. Trams began to run and in the basement of the enormous Kirov factory in the south west of the city, literary recitals were organised. 90009 90008 On August 9th (the day Hitler had predicted the city would fall) a group of starving musicians from the Leningrad symphony orchestra lifted their instruments to play a concert. Written by Dmitri Shostakovich, the 7th Leningrad symphony was then broadcast around the city on loudspeakers and by radio to the rest of Russia, as a rallying patriotic cry to the nation from the people of Leningrad.90009 90008 90011 Destruction, preservation and reconstruction 90012 90009 90008 Outside St. Petersburg many of the city’s imperial masterpieces such as the amber room of the palace at Tsarskoe selo and the palace at Pavlovsk were destroyed during the fighting or vandalised by German troops, only to be painstakingly restored in the years following the war. 90009 90008 In an incredible act of foresight many sculptural masterpieces and artworks, such as the fountains at Peterhof, were sent to Siberia for safe-keeping or buried in steel boxes deep underground.Local landmarks such as the Soviet battleship Avrora, which fired the first shots of the revolution was famously sunk and Peter the Great’s Log Cabin, was camouflaged so as not to become a bombing targets. Much of the Hermitage’s priceless art collection was hidden safely away and many rooms of the grand winter palace became part of a makeshift hospital. 90009 90008 After three years of isolation the red army finally broke through the blockade on January 18th 1943 року, although it was another year before the Germans were forced to fully retreat.It is thought that almost a million people died during the blockade — most of them from starvation. 90009 90008 Though many of the city’s priceless artworks were saved, much of the city was in ruins due to bombings. Undeterred by the hardships and horrors that they had suffered, the proud heroic survivors of the city eventually went on to rebuild their magnificent city. 90009 90008 90011 Heroes of Leningrad 90012 90009 90008 There are uncountable numbers of famous and unknown heroic stories from the blockade.15,000 children alone were decorated for their bravery in putting out firebombs and fighting on the front lines. From around 30,000 doctors and 100,000 nurses in pre-war Leningrad more than half died during the siege. 90009 90008 Of the 700,000 people left in the city in 1944, 300,000 of them were soldiers who had arrived from across Russia to help defend the city. Many citizens were awarded the defender of the city medal or survivor of the siege medal and the order of Lenin. Here is just a tiny pick of some of the many names and stories.90009 90008 90011 Tatiana Savicheva 90012 90003 Tanya Savicheva was a young Russian diarist who lived through the siege. Aged just 11 when the siege started Tanya joined her family in helping the war effort by digging trenches and putting out firebombs. After having burnt her own diary to heat their home, on December 28th 1941 Tanya was given her missing-presumed-dead sister’s diary. In it she began to record her family’s toil. Everyday her mother would walk seven kilometres to work in an ammunitions plant, then donate blood before returning home.90009 90008 Every month of the diary holds a death, first was her second sister, then grandmother in January 1942 року, a brother 2 months later, followed by her uncles and then in May 1942 her mother. As an orphan Tanya was evacuated from the city in August 1942 to a village but died of illness in July 1944. Her heartbreaking diaries can be seen at the Rumyantsev museum. 90009 90008 90011 Olga Berggolts 90012 90003 Born in St. Petersburg, Berggolts began her career as a journalist before beginning to put her thoughts into poetry.Like many fellow poets such as Anna Akhmatova, Berggolts was also a victim of the purge and was imprisoned and cruelly beaten for 7 months in 1 939 because of her works. 90009 90008 On her release she went to work for the Leningrad radio station and remained their throughout the siege. She became famous and loved for her inspirational poetry and speeches which she read over the radio to the hungry citizens of the city. Following the war she was decorated for her courage and morale during the siege and received the order of Lenin.90009 90008 90011 Boris Babochkin 90012 90003 Before moving to Moscow in 1940 Boris Babochkin was one of the most prominent actors working in Leningrad. Throughout the siege he made several visits to the city to lift the spirits of the city’s defenders through performances and delivered numerous copies of the popular war film Chapaev in which he played the star role. 90009 90008 After the war Babochkin played the role of a corrupt bureaucrat in the play Shadows and was denounced by the Soviet minister of Culture.Following this character assassination he remained practically unemployed for years, finding only roles in highly propagandist films. 90009 90008 90011 Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov 90012 90003 Nikolai Vavilov was a celebrated Soviet botanist and geneticist. Over the years he organised various different expeditions to collect seeds for cultivation and created the worlds largest seed bank in Leningrad to house them. 90009 90008 During the terrible starvation of the siege, Vavilov diligently protected his seed bank so that future survivors would be able to grow food.One of his assistants even died of starvation in the seed bank surrounded by 200,000 types of plant seed, most of them edible. He received the order of Lenin in 1945 and a song ‘When the war came’ was dedicated to him. 90009 90008 As you enter St. Petersburg on the way from the airport you’ll be reminded by a huge sign that this is a gorod geroi (hero city). Across the city and its outskirts there are many museums and monuments devoted to the Blockade. 90009.90000 St. Petersburg | Map, Points of Interest, & History 90001 90002 90003 St. Petersburg 90004, Russian 90003 Sankt-Peterburg 90004, formerly (1914-24) 90003 Petrograd 90004 and (1924-91) 90003 Leningrad 90004, city and port, extreme northwestern Russia. A major historical and cultural centre and an important port, St. Petersburg lies about 400 miles (640 km) northwest of Moscow and only about 7 ° south of the Arctic Circle. It is the second largest city of Russia and one of the world’s major cities.St. Petersburg has played a vital role in Russian history since its founding in 1703. For two centuries (1712-1918) it was the capital of the Russian Empire. The city is remembered as the scene of the February (March, New Style) and October (November, New Style) Revolutions of 1917 and for its fierce defense while besieged during World War II. Architecturally, it ranks as one of the most splendid and congenial cities of Europe. Its historic district was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1990.Area city, 550 square miles (1,400 square km). Pop. (2010) 4,879,566; (2012 est.) 4,953,219. 90011 90002 Britannica Quiz 90011 90002 It’s All in the Name 90011 90002 What is another name for Burma? 90011 90018 Character of the city 90019 90002 St. Petersburg is a mecca of cultural, historical, and architectural landmarks.Founded by Tsar Peter I (the Great) as Russia’s «window on Europe,» it bears the unofficial status of Russia’s cultural capital and most European city, a distinction that it strives to retain in its perennial competition with Moscow. Three distinctive characteristics of St. Petersburg engage attention. The first is the city’s harmonious mix of western European and Russian architecture. Second is St. Petersburg’s lack of an unequivocal city centre, which, in other Russian cities of medieval origin, is defined by a kremlin and its surrounding area.The third characteristic feature of the city is its many waterways. The short but full-flowing tributaries and canals of the Neva River that stretch to the Baltic coast are inseparable from St. Petersburg’s panorama. Many of the city’s most famed architectural sites stretch along the Neva’s historic embankments. Moreover, the bridges and natural canals of the river have earned St. Petersburg the nickname «Venice of the North.» Because of St. Petersburg’s northerly location, the city enjoys the «White Nights,» from June 11 to July 2, when daylight extends to nearly 19 hours-another of St.Petersburg’s most acclaimed characteristics. Among the cultural events devoted to celebrating the White Nights are the festivals organized by the Mariinsky and Hermitage theatres and the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory. Each night during the White Nights, the bridges spanning the Neva are raised to let boat traffic through. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, St. Petersburg imbibed a new energy as crumbling facades, potholed roads, and cultural landmarks were renovated. 90011 90018 Landscape 90019 90018 City site 90019 90002 St.Petersburg is located on the delta of the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland. The city spreads across 42 islands of the delta and across adjacent parts of the mainland floodplain. The very low and originally marshy site has subjected the city to recurrent flooding, especially in the autumn, when strong cyclonic winds drive gulf waters upstream, and also at the time of the spring thaw. Exceptionally severe inundations occurred in тисяча сімсот сімдесят сім, 1824, and 1924; the last two were the highest on record and flooded most of the city.To control the destructive floodwaters, the city built in the 1980s an 18-mile- (29-km-) long dike across the Gulf of Finland. A number of canals also have been cut to assist drainage. 90011 90002 Greater St. Petersburg-the city itself with its satellite towns- forms a horseshoe shape around the head of the Gulf of Finland and includes the island of Kotlin in the gulf. On the north it stretches westward along the shore for nearly 50 miles (80 km) to include Zelenogorsk. This northern extension is an area of ​​dormitory towns, resorts, sanatoriums, and children’s camps set among extensive coniferous forests and fringed by fine beaches and sand dunes.Some upper-class St. Petersburg residents also have summer cottages, or dachas, in this area. On the southern side of the gulf, the metropolitan limits extend westward to include Peterhof and Lomonosov. Eastward, Greater St. Petersburg stretches up the Neva River to Ivanovskoye. 90011 Get exclusive access to content from our тисяча сімсот шістьдесят вісім First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today 90018 Climate 90019 90002 The mitigating effect of the Atlantic Ocean provides St. Petersburg with a milder climate than might be expected for its far northern site.Nevertheless, winters are rather cold, with a mean January temperature of about 21 ° F (-6 ° C), a few degrees warmer than that for Moscow. Winter temperatures can drop below -40 ° F (-40 ° C), however. Snow cover lasts on the average about 132 days. The Neva begins to freeze normally about mid-November, and the ice is solid by the start of December; breakup begins in mid-April and usually is completed by the end of the month. Icebreakers prolong the navigation season. Summers are moderately warm, with an average temperature of 65 ° F (18 ° C) in July.Mean annual precipitation amounts to about 25 inches (634 mm), with the summer being the wettest period. 90011 .90000 Saint Petersburg — interesting facts about the city, statistical data 90001 90002 Saint Petersburg is a city on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Established in 1703 by Peter the Great, Saint Petersburg was the capital of Russia for two centuries, and has witnessed some of the most important historical events. The city is often called «Venice of the North» because of its unique architecture. Petersburg is also very famous for its special creative atmosphere that attracts artists, poets, and dreamers.90003 90004 Two Steps from Europe 90005 90002 Saint Petersburg is 400 km away from Helsinki. There are several buses, express trains, and ferries going from St. Petersburg to the Finnish capital and back every day. The trip takes 3.5 to 6 hours depending on the type of transport. An opportunity to take frequent trips to Europe is one of the advantages of living in the city on the Neva, but you need to make sure you have a Schengen visa in advance (you can do this at embassies of European countries in your country).90003 90004 Cultural Mecca 90005 90002 Saint Petersburg is rightly called the world’s cultural capital. The historical centre of the city is protected by UNESCO. The city boasts world-famous museums, theatres, galleries, architectural monuments, cultural and educational institutions: the Hermitage, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Russian National Library, and the Russian Museum are just four of them. Many people visit St. Petersburg to familiarise themselves with Russia’s great culture: visit the best shows, concerts, exhibitions, and festivals.90003 90004 City of Multiple Religions 90005 90002 The Northern capital hosts 270 religious communities, 229 religious establishments, including Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant cathedrals and churches, synagogues and mosques, and even a Buddhist cathedral. 90003 90004 City of Football 90005 90002 Saint Petersburg is the home of the famous Russian football team Zenit — a multiple winner of national championships, and a winner of the UEFA Cup and Super Cup.In 2018, St Petersburg became one of the cities where the FIFA World Cup matches took place. 90003 90004 City of Bridges 90005 90002 There are over 300 bridges in St. Petersburg: 21 drawbridges, 24 pedestrian, and 297 transport bridges. Each bridge has its own unique name: Tovarischesky (Friends ‘Bridge), Teatralny (Theater Bridge), Bumazhny (Paper Bridge), or Potseluev Most (Bridge of Kisses), which is very popular among lovers. There are record breakers here as well: Blue Bridge is the widest bridge of its kind in the world (97.3 m), while Alexander Nevsky Bridge is the longest of its kind in the world (905.7 m). 90003 90004 City with the Deepest Underground in the World 90005 90002 The St. Petersburg Metro consists of 5 lines and 67 stations, most of which are 20-80 metres deep. The longest escalator is 150 metres long, and the «deepest» station is Admiralteyskaya (86 metres under the ground). 90003 90004 City of White Nights 90005 90002 White Nights is a particular symbol of St.Petersburg. This is an unusual natural phenomenon when it does not get dark at night from the end of May to mid-July. Many events take place in St. Petersburg at this time. One of the most prominent of them is the all-Russian Graduate Ball «Crimson Sails». The annual celebration starts with a grand stage show concert in the city centre and finishes with a magnificent multimedia light show in the waters of the Neva. The show culminates with a ship with crimson sailing along the embankments. 90003 90004 City of Russian Rock 90005 90002 Saint Petersburg is the home city of renowned Russian rock groups: Aquarium, Alisa, Kino, Auktion, Picnic, and many others.A legendary Leningrad rock club was established in the city on the Neva in the Soviet times to hold rock concerts and festivals that were prohibited by the authorities. Modern-day Petersburg is a popular concert venue visited by the world’s top stars, including Lady Gaga, Tokyo Hotel, Sting, Deep Purple, and many others. 90003 90004 Near the City 90005 90002 There are many beautiful places in the suburbs. Consider visiting gardens and palaces of Gatchina, Oranienbaum, Peterhof, Strelna, Pavlovsk, and Tsarskoye Selo.90003 90040.90000 All about Saint Petersburg (Russia) 90001 90002 St.-Petersburg is founded in 1703 by Peter the Great, and currently counts almost 5 million inhabitants. The city is considered the «Window on Europe» because of its western orientation. Saint Petersburg is the most northly situated million-city. In 2003 Petersburg intensily celebrated its 300 years existence. In the preparation towards this birthday the city got a face-lift. «Piter», as the city is called by its inhabitants, develops quickly to a modern metropole.90003 90002 90005 90006 during the white nights Petersburg is amazingly beautiful 90007 90003 90002 In June and July, during the so called «White Nights», it is almost continously light. The average temperature in summer is about 20 degrees Celsius, in winter between minus 5 and minus 10 (although temperature might sometimes significantly drop to minus 25). 90003 90002 Till the October revolution of 1917 року, Saint Petersburg was the capital of Russia. During the communist era the city was renamed Leningrad.In 1991 the population chose back the old name. The most tragic period in the Petersburg history is the 900-day siege by the Germans during World War II. In this period almost one million citizens died. Saint Petersburg is the hometown of ex-president Vladimir Putin and current president Dmitry Medvedev. 90003 90002 Pictures of Saint Petersburg: Petersburg Pictures (online photo album). 90003 90002 90016 Culture 90017 90003 90002 St.-Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia. Many composers (Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky) and writers (Dostoyevsky, Pushkin) come from this city.There are many museums of which the most famous is the Hermitage. Here all the biggest artists of the world are represented: Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, Renoir, Ruebens and Rembrandt. 90003 90002 90022 90006 Hermitage 90007 90003 90002 The Russian museum is impressive too. Here, the most important pieces of Russian art are exposed, of which the paintings of Ilya Repin are the most famous. The «Kunstkamera» is the museum with a personal collection of Peter the Great, mainly consisting of embryos with all kind of anatomic deficiencies.The Kunstkamera is situated at the Vasilievsky Island, nearly opposite the hermitage. 90003 90002 The Peter and Paul Fortress is located on a seperate island. This fort is characterised by a cathedral with a sharp golden bell-tower, with the guardian angel of Saint Petersburg on top. In the Peter and Paul Fortress the Romanov dynasty is buried (from Peter I till Alexander III). 90003 90002 Apart from museums, Saint Petersburg has many theaters. The Mariinsky Theatre is the home theatre of the world famous Kirov-ballet and director Valery Gergiev.The Mariinsky Theatre hosts a large number of operas and ballets which are worth visiting during your stay. Apart from the Mariinsky Theater, there are the Mussorgsky Theatre (opera and ballet), the BDT (drama theatre) and Alexandrinsky Theater (all kind of spectacles). 90003 90002 Saint Petersburg has a lots of chuches and cathedrals. The Saint Isaac’s Cathedral has one of the largest golden dome in the world. The interior at the cathedral is marvellous. 90003 90002 90035 90006 Church of the Saviour on Blood 90007 90003 90002 The «Church of the Saviour on Blood» is a typical Russian church, characterised by the many colors used and the onion-shape cupolas.Inside the walls are coved with a total of 7700 square meters of mosaics. The design of the Kazan Cathedral was based on the Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. It is considered a monument of the victory of general Kutuzov on Napoleon. In the Kazan Cathedral you can visit one of the regular Orthodox services. Other famous cathedrals in Saint Petersburg are the Nikolai-Cathedral, Smolny Convent, Trinity Cathedral and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. 90003 90041 90016 Events and Holidays 90017 90003 90002 During the year Saint Petersburg hosts many events.Important Russian holidays and yearly events are: 90046 — January 1st — New year, the most important holiday of the year in Russia. After twelve o’clock the Nevsky Prospekt gets crowded. There is a main firework show at the Peter and Paul Fortress and on the Palace Square there are concerts till early morning. 90046 — January 7th — Russian Orthodox Christmas 90046 — January 14th — Russian Orthodox Newyear 90046 — February 23rd — «Defender of the Fatherland Day»; in communist time this was the day of the army, now it has a more general meaning and is also called «Man’s Day» as an analogue for 8 of March.There are no specific events on this day in St. Petersburg, but put on your television to see shows with impressive army choirs 90046 — March 8th — «International Women’s Day», the second important holiday in the year; although there are no special events, but cafes, restaurants and cinemas will be fully booked. Do not forget to congratulate girls and women close to you, especially concern about your teacher! A day with flowers and chocolate, be aware flowers could be quite expensive on this day.90046 — April 30th — Queen’s Day — Of course: this is no Russian Holiday, but as we are a Dutch organisation we do not forget about our national holiday. A good party in the evening can be very well combined with the morning of the next Russian holiday! 90046 — May 1st — Labour day, in communist day this holiday was celibrated more extensily than now, in Petersburg there are no parades anymore on this day. 90046 — May 9th — «Victory Day», in the morning there is the military parade at the Palace Square, in the afternoon there is the parade of the second world war veterans; on this day there are many concerts and ends with the so called «salut» (fireworks).90046 — May 27th — Birthday of Saint Petersburg; on this day (and often on succeeding days) there are many events of which the most famous is the carnaval parade on Nevsky Prospekt. 90003 90002 90057 90006 90007 90006 Nederlandse wagen tijdens het Carnaval op de Nevski Prospekt 90007 90003 90041 — Beginning of June: «International Economic Forum»; since recent years this event has become very important for Russia to attract new investment capital, to close deals between Russian and foreign companies and to discuss the economic strategy of Russia.The Russian president normally invites presidents of other countries to visit Saint Petersburg during this forum. As a language course student you would probably not notice much of this event, perhaps you’ll see the 110-meter long yacht of Abramovich in the Neva. 90046 — June 12th: «Russia Day» is a holiday which has been celibrated only since recently. There are several concerts in the city and a flower parade on Nevsky Prospekt. 90046 — June — July: «White Nights»: during the white nights the daylight lasts longer and it does not get really dark during the night.We recommend you to go on a boat trip on the Neva river to view the opening bridges. The main event in this period is «Alye Parusa» a special Petersburg holiday on the last day of school. At the Palace Square there is a show with lots of music, dance and special effects. Very worth visiting. During the White Nights in the Mariinsky Theatre, there is the Festival «Stars of the White Nights». At the Rostra Columns at the Vasilievksy Island you can see a fountain show every evening in the months June, July and August.90003 90002 90068 90006 fountains with music in the Neva at the Vasilievsky Island 90007 90003 90041 — November 4: «Unity Day» a new holiday, which at this moment not yet has much meaning for most of the people. This Holiday replaced the November 7th «Day of the Revolution». 90003 90002 Except from the general holidays, Russia has a lot of holidays devoted to a certain part of the population or certain professions, like Student Day (January 25th), Kosmonaut Day (April 12th), Customs Day (May 28th), Constructor’s Day ( second Sunday of August), Police Day (November 10th).For our organisation the most important day is of course the 5th of October: Teacher’s Day! 90003 90041 90016 Surroundings 90017 90003 90041 In the surroundings of Saint Petersburg, there are several palaces which you definitely should visit. Most famous is Peterhof or Petrodvorets. This is known as the Versailles of Russia. Peterhof is very famous because of its stretched out gardens, decorated with thousands of fountains. You can reach Peterhof by a special hydrofoil craft. 90003 90002 90083 90006 Peterhof 90007 90003 90002 Also Pushkin (Tsarkoje Selo) is a place you should not miss.Just south from St. Petersburg. Here is the Ekaterina Palace situated, with the famous «amber» room. 90003 90002 Other palaces in the surroundings of Petersburg are Pavlovsk and Gatchina. 90003 90002 For those who come in summer, should definitely consider a Russian beach day. The North West of Petersburg hosts a very nice coast line, where you walk from the pine grove right on the sandy beach. On a nice summer day these beaches can be really crowded. To visit one of the beaches, just take the train at Finland Station (metro Ploshad Lenina) and get out at places like «Kurort», «Solnechnoe», «Repino», «Komarova», «Zelenogorsk».90003 90002 At a three hour drive from St. Petersburg, there is the city Veliki Novgorod, which is considered as one of the oldest cities of Russia. Novgorod (not to be confused by Nizhnyj Novgorod) played an important role in the Russian middle ages. 90003 90002 90016 Sport 90017 90003 90041 Saint Petersburg is the city of football club FC Zenit. The club won in 2007 the Russian Championship for the first time in 23 years. Recently, the success even got bigger, when Zenit won the UEFA cup, beating Glasgow Rangers by 2-0 in the final, and by defeating many established clubs like Olympique Marseille, Bayern Munchen, Villareal, Bayer Leverkusen, Standard Luik, AZ).Zenit plays in teh Petrovsky Stadion. Many participants of our language courses use the opportunity to visit one of the home matches of Zenit. 90003 90002 90102 90006 FC Zenit na het winnen van de EUFA-cup in 2008 90007 90003 90002 Except for football, Petersburg is the home city of some famous sportsmen. Very well known in Russia is Evgeny Plyuchenko, the Olympic gold medal winner in figure-skating, and won recently with Dima Bilan the Eurovision-Songcontest. Nikolay Valuev, world champion in boxing, heavyweight class, comes from St.Petersburg. Other sportsmen: Alexander Khalifman (chess world champion 1999), Dmitry Shepel (European champion all-round speedskating 2001). Saint Petersburg is also hosts the ice-hockey club SKA. ice-hockey is, behind football, the second sport in Russia. In May 2008 Russia became world champion ice-hockey. 90003 90002 Who wants to do some sports during the stay in Petersburg, can go to one of the many fitness clubs. As most clubs basically focus on year passes, the price of a single visit is quite high.Planeta Fitness (Korablestroitelei) is quite a big fitness club near our accommodation. An all-inclusive visit (use of all devices, swimming pool, sauna, Turkish bath) costs about 25 euro. Also on the Vasilievsky Island (not so far from our accommodation) is a tropical swimming pool «Waterville» (Korablestroitelei 14), with slides, saunas and wave pool. A visit (depending on the time of the day) costs between 15 and 25 euros. For those who come in winter: in the surroundings of St. Petersburg there are many possibilities for skiing and cross-country skiing.In St. Petersburg there are several stadiums for indoor skating. 90003 90002 90016 Economy 90017 90003 90002 In тисячі дев’ятсот дев’яносто вісім Russia faced a rouble crisis. In a few days time, the rouble suddenly devaluated by 5 times. Many foreign companies retreated and many Russian companies went bankrupt. A huge economic crises and very high unemployment. This period has been definitely left behind. Recent years show very high growth figures of the Russian economy. 90003 90002 Saint Petersburg is already called the «Detroit» of Russia, with car manufacterers as Ford, Nissan, Toyota, General Motors and Hyundi.Saint Petersburg also fulfills a very important function in the logistics chain, as the Petersburg port is the biggest port of Russia and for many types of goods the main flow goes through this port (for example: 80% of the Russian imports of fruits and vegetables goes through the Petersburg port). 90003 90002 The fast-growing economy is partly due to the high oil prices. Russia is one of the less countries in the world which significantly benefits from high prices of commodities. The skyline of St.Petersburg very soon have a mark with reference to this effect. Gazprom, the world’s largest gas producer, builds new head office: a 300-meter skyscraper with the shape of a flame. 90003 90041 90016 Public Transport 90017 90003 90002 Distances in Petersburg, a 5 million city, are pretty big. Travelling from the one end to the other end of the city will roughly take 40 kilometers. The latest years the car park quickly increased, resulting in many traffic jams on weekdays. 90003 90002 The most important type of transport is the metro.As metro stations are relatively far situated from eachother (avarage about 4 kilometers), it is possible to travel from one to the other side of the city in 30-40 minutes. Take into account that the metro is quite deep, and that each trip you will spend 6 minutes on the escalator (3 minutes gowing down, 3 minutes gowing up). The metro system works like in Paris, that is: a flat fee for all trips. You can travel with one metro coin until you come back at the surface. 90003 90002 90129 90006 metrostation Moskovsky Vokzal 90007 90003 90002 The public transport also consists of busses, trolley busses, trams and so called «marshrutkas».The latter are micro-busses which travel along a certain route and which you can halt on any place at this route. All above ground transport works with a flat fee (no matter if you step out the next stop or the last stop). 90003 90002 Public transport is relatively cheap, compared to other European cities. The prices of Metro coins and the above ground transport is approximately 50-60 euro cents. 90003 90002 The most central metro station is «Nevsky Prospekt» or «Gostinyj Dvor». From our accommodation (metro Primorskaya) that is two metro stops.90003 90002 The airport is quite difficult to reach per public transport. Only for those who know. Between the aiport and metro Moskovskaya there is a marshrutka number 13. If you have not been in Petersburg before or you do not speak Russian it will not be very easy to get this bus in the right direction and get out at the right moment. In addition, it is not recommended to travel with suitcases in metro. As we do not want our participants to get lost directly, we meet everybody at the airport; transfers from and to the airport are standard included in the course fee.90003 90002 If you want to visit the surroundings (like Repino, Komarova, Pavlovsk), the best way to go is by train. A ticket costs normally not more than a few euros. Also Moscow can be reached best by train, a one-way trip by a night train will cost between 30 and 80 euros; it will take about 9 hours. A fast train, travelling at daytime from Petersburg to Moscow in about 5 hours costs 70-80 euros. 90003 90041 90016 Cost of Living 90017 90003 90002 As a standard to measure the cost level in different countries, the so called «Big Mac Index» is used often.On June 1st 2008 a Big Mac in St. Petersburg costed 59 roubles (€ 1,60). This is quite lower than in many European countries where the a Big Mac costs between € 2,50 and € 3,00. Although a Big Mac is relatively cheap, the price level increased a lot in the recent years. Currently the inflation is about 10%. 90003 90002 The prices of food in the shops are comparable with the rest of Europe. In general imported products (especially fruits and vegetables) are more expensive. There can be a big price difference between big discounters and smaller supermarkets at the corner of the street.Big supermarkets are Lenta, Karussyel, O’key and Metro. There is a Lenta supermarket not far from our accommodation. 90003 90002 90152 90006 supermarkt Lenta, 12000 m2 supermarkt nabij het cursisten-verblijf 90007 90003 90002 Clothes are in general more expensive than in Europe (about 25%). Prices of electronics are the same or a little bit lower. A taxi drive is relatively cheap (10 km costs about 7 euro), but that is not strange: a liter of unleaded petrol is less than half of European prices and costs only 65 eurocents.90003 90002 There are a lot of bars and restaurants where you could eat pretty cheap. The price of a pizza ranges from 6 to 10 euro. Many restaurants have special lunch deals: soup, main course, drinks for 8 to 10 euro. Half a liter of beer costs 3 to 5 euro, a softdrink usually 1,50 to 2 euros. 90003 90002 For lodging Petersburg is a quite expensive city: a decent hotel is in the high season difficult to find for even 150-200 euros per night. Real estate is expensive, this concerns both buy as rental apartements; for an interesting investment you’re late in Petersburg, and you’ll better try an other Eastern European city.90003 90002 90016 Going out for dinner in St. Petersburg 90017 90003 90041 There are many places in St. Petersburg where you can have a nice dinner and good value for your money. We just give you a few hints: 90003 90002 On walking distance from our accommodation: 90046 — Pizza Ollis: Korablestroitelei 32, we recommend: «Pizza Pollo» (met chicken and vegetables), «Pizza Okeanika» (fish). Also delivering at home: + 7812-3200600. 90046 — Sushibar Evrazia: Kapitanskaya 4 (between 15:00 — 18:00 happy hour: for the price of one you get everything double), we recommend «Filadelfia Maki» (sushi with salmon, feta cheese, avocado), «Lapsha s owoshami «(noodles and vegetables) 90046 — Bar SPB: Korablestroitelei 30, beer-bar, light food and snacks to eat when drinking beer.90003 90002 90174 90006 pizzeria Ollis, op loopafstand van het cursisten-verblijf 90007 90003 90002 A 20 minute walk from metro Primorskaya: 90046 — Ugly Duclking, Ulitsa Gavanskaya 22, nice Danish restaurant with good food 90003 90002 Next to metro Vasiliostrovskaya 90046 — Mama Roma: Srednyj prospekt V.O. 6/13, we recommend: cold / warm buffet 90046 — Stolle: 1st Line V.O. 50, several typical «pirogi» (sweet and salty cakes), we recommend «pirog s kapustoi» (cake with cabbage) 90046 — Dve Palochki: Srednyj Prospekt V.O. 16, sushi bar, nice design 90046 — Tan Zhen: Bolshoj Prospekt V.O. 19, Chinese Restaurant, we recommend: «Kuritsa s Keshu» (chicken with cashew and vegetables), «Blinchiki s Owoshami» (fried rolls with vegetables), «Ryba v kyslosladkom sause» (fish in sweet-sour sauce) 90046 — Ivanhoe : Naberezhnaja Leitenanta Schmidta 11, restaurant with medieval design. 90046 — Grad Petrov: Universitetskaya Naberezhnaja 5, German kitchen, beer restaurant (with own brewed beer) 90003 90002 In the centre: 90046 — Korovabar: Karavannaya Ulitsa 8, if you want a good steak, stylish interior, trendy clientele.90046 — Fiolet: Ploshad Lomonosova 8, good food, sophsiticated, to take your «date» or business partner for dinner. 90003 90002 90016 Internet 90017 90003 90002 Those who come with a notebook, can use the free of charge WiFi access in our accommodation. Many cafes and restaurants nowadays also offer free WiFi access. 90003 90002 If you did not take your notebook, you can visit one of the many internet-cafes in the city. Close to our accommodation is «Cyber ​​Club» (Korablestroitelei 32, korpus 1), or «Arktika» (first building on the left if you cross the bridge near metro Primorskaya).90003 90002 Internetcafes in the centre: Quo Vadis (Liteinyj Prospekt 63), Cafemax (Nevsky Prospekt 90/92), A-Club (Ulitsa Rubensteina 8). 90003 90002 Prices of using a computer at an internetcafe vary from 1 euro to 3 euros per hour. 90003 90002 Dangers 90003 90002 Many people are scared off by «cowboy» -stories about Russia. Consider it as a normal European city, there are some things you should watch out for, as but as long as you know where to look, you reduce most of your risk. And those risks are probably not what you expect as dangers in Russia.90003 90002 Most dangers come from: 90003 90002 1. The 90016 traffic 90017; the Russian style of driving is the biggest danger. Be careful, especially as a pedestrian! 90003 90002 2. 90016 Pick-pockets 90017. Be alert in the metro, especially on the green line between Gostinyj Dvor and Ploshad Vosstanya. In the crowd the pick-pockets seize the opportunity. Do not take too much with you. 90003 90002 3. 90016 Black cabs 90017 might seem a bit cheaper than an official cab, but you’ll better go for safe.Some of our participants have been robbed taking a non official cab. 90003 90002 4. 90016 Ice 90017; in winter, continous changes of frost and thaw, create large icicles on the roofs. Be alert as they might drop. Do not walk upon ice sheets under which might be flowing water. Do not just repeat what other people do: a Russian looks a bit different to risks than Europeans do. 90003 90002 5. 90016 Alcohol 90017 90046 Be careful for other people who are drunk. Often nice conversations end when someone is offended (for example when refusing to drink wodka together).90046 Be careful not to get drunk yourself and lose control. If you are drunk (especially as a foreigner) you are a target for people with bad intentions. Be careful and do not under-estimate the sudden knock-out some wodkas can give. Do not go out partying alone! 90003 90002 90234 90006 Be careful with Vodka! 90007 90003 90002 6. 90016 Women 90017; for our male participants, some useful information / hints: 90046 1) Russia has a large amount of HIV-infected people and this amount increases fast.90046 2) Not all the girls are interested in your beauty and charisma; watch out for the professionals! 90046 3) Do not leave your drinks alone; some of our participants got robbed after something was dropped in their drink. 90003 90002 7. 90016 Racism 90017, unfortunately in Saint Petersburg attacks on people with a coloured skin are sometimes reported. 90003 90002 8. 90016 Countryside 90017, there is no danger in visiting the surroundings like Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Petrodvorets, Gatchina, Novgorod and the coastal villages (Repino, Komarova, Zelenogorsk).But if you really go out of the city to the far country side, please realise that life could be much rougher than in the city. As a foreigner you might be vulnerable. 90003 .

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